Hmm.. actually today I ve been thinking of what
'a long time friend' told me ytd..
people always get into situation when they need
to make a decision but no matter what they decide
to do... somebody will get hurt, whether is it yrself
or somebody else. So today I decided to post what i
really think about this.
So I guess its really gonna be a long post..
Matters of the heart are still unsolved till this day.
Why do ppl behave the way they do?
Why can ppl be so selfish?
Why can love be gone in a wink of an eye, when things seems right?
Why can ppl hurt those they love most?
Why can the heart betray itself?
I guess these questions set many of u to thinking.
Past events.. sad memories and maybe even now u feel
a pain somewhere there.
I have many friends whose past are so heart-wrenching,
thus they are still stuck there, unable to move on,
unable to forget, unable to smile 'PROPERLY'.
Thats how sad it is.
For me.. till this day i still believe in one very
simple fact. 'people are people'.
If you wanna get yrself into situations which
involves the heart, then prepare to follow the
rules of the game. The heart game.
Rule no 1. - Expect him/her to be selfish.
The very first day when he/she looks u in the eye and say
'I love you' already contains pieces of selfishness in the heart.
Coz that 'i love you' will bind the both of u tgt. he/she wans
to own u and vice versa. Things that start with selfishness
oftenly ends in selfishness. So to put it simple.. Love = selfishness.
Rule no 2. - Expect better choices for you/her/he.
Like ppl always say, nobody is perfect. And that
is f***ing true. In this game, better choices will
appear from time to time. Y? coz u are not perfect.
There are ppl out there who score better then you in
one area of another. many will say love is about accepting
one's imperfection and love him/her as he/she is.
How long can someone fetch water from the well when tap water is available?
Rule no. 3 - Expect an never ending cycle.
Y issit a cycle? what cycle? this cycle
---> courtship>>honeymoon>>cooltime>>evaluation>>decision
which part of the cycle do u fall in?

1. courtship is always sweet and 'misleading'..
yes i use the word misleading. how many of you really
know each other before ending that cycle?

2. honeymoon is always fun.. try new things tgt.
integrating each other into each other's lives. U begin
to accept each other's weaknesses and build an 'foundation'.

3. cooltime is the time when both of u rely on the foundation
built to move on. Both of you have fond memories tgt. things
start to get mandane.. routinized.. or simply boring. But your
fond memories tgt can bring u far.. 2 years? 3 years? or till
marriage? till death?

4. evaluation is where most relationships cock up. Ppl start
to compare and evaluate their partner to ppl out there. And
rule no 2 will show up. Better choices are always available.
Ppl start to 'forget'. forget the promises, the memories,
the courship, the honeymoon, the foundation. and thus, leading
to no.5 decision.

5. deciding what to do. its either u hurt the other or hurt
yourself. as i said, ppl are selfish. most of them out there
will protect themselves rather to honor that 'i love you' said
few years ago. normally at this time when in a stage of deciding..
another stage of courtship have already began.. so this is why ppl
can forget so quickly and can harden up so firmly.
I believe this post can address to 4 types of ppl..
For ppl just about to start the game.. play at your own risk..
it definitely cost more then just tokens..it cost yr heart..
For ppl who are guilty of judging and evaluating yr partner..
u can never get out of the cycle.. but u can reverse it or restart it..
say 'I LOVE U" the same exact way and mean the same exact thing to him/her.
Do smthing today..
For ppl who already had decided to start a new cycle with someone else
when u re already in one.. noone can say u re wrong.. coz u are just 'people'
people are selfish like i mentioned.. so keep trying and being selfish till
the day u realised how to win the game together and not alone. just note that
everytime u start a new cycle.. u left the one u loved behind in the cycle
Lastly.. for ppl who are stuck in the cycle..
HELO!!!! do u hear me!!!! get out now.. stop staring at the game over
screen and insert some coins already!! either stop playing this game..
or start a new cycle.. stop staying at the foundation, memories and promises..
coz u are in the cycle alone!
Hope this does shed some light on some ppl who need it.. to those who thinks this is crap..
pls do not flame me.. COZ.. THIS IS MY BLOG!!!! haa.. personal thing k.. may those who
understand the rules
master the cycles
win the game (either alone or together)
Good day to all mother father's son... cheers.
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